One of the things I hate about MS Word is having to use the mouse to click through menus to do simple things. Of course you can create keyboard shortcuts for stuff, but I find it hard to remember really complicated keyboard combos. What I prefer is the old XyWrite approach, which is to hit a command key, then enter a two or three letter code for an action, and then hit enter to have it execute.
Back when I was using Word 2000 for Windows I found a simple solution: Create a keyboard shortcut for the Run Macro command (Ctrl-M), and then write macros with 2-3 character names. For example: I wrote a macro to accept all revisions in a document, then named it 'aa' (for accept all). Then to accept all revisions all I had to do was hit Ctrl-M, type aa, hit enter, and boom, all the revisions were accepted.
When I switched to Mac OS X and Word 2008 for Mac I couldn't find any obvious way to recreate this functionality, so I suffered through clicking through menus for a lot of commands. However, one day I just reached my limit with click-click-click-click and decided to find a solution using Applescript. Here is what I ended up with:
-- Open a dialog box for user input
set var_input to display dialog "Word command: " default answer ""
-- For some reason you need to do this to get the user input into a string variable
set var_input to (text returned of var_input) as string
-- Applescript apparently doesn't have SELECT CASE statements so use If Else to take different
-- actions based on user input
if var_input = "st" then
-- Convert selected text to strikethrough font
tell application "Microsoft Word"
set strike through of font object of selection to true
end tell
else if var_input = "aa" then
-- Accept all changes in the document
tell application "Microsoft Word"
accept all revisions active document
end tell
else if var_input = "kt" then
-- Toggle keep text together (so text doesn't break over page break)
tell application "Microsoft Word"
tell selection
if ((keep with next of paragraph 1 as boolean) is false) then
set keep with next of every paragraph to true
set keep with next of every paragraph to false
end if
end tell
end tell
else if var_input = "uc" then
-- Convert the selected text to all UPPERCASE
tell application "Microsoft Word"
set case of characters of selection to upper case
end tell
end if
Then I saved the Applescript in the folder:
Users/myusername/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Word Script Menu Items
With the name:
Command Line\cM.scpt
Although its not at all obvious, the \cM.scpt at the end creates a Ctrl-M as a keyboard shortcut for the Applescript. For more on naming Applescripts in this folder so they have keyboard shortcuts see:
Its for Entourage, but the script naming conventions appear to be the same.